M.A., Distinction, Conservation Studies (Historic Buildings), University of York (UK), 2011 - The YorkConservation Studies programme conforms to ICOMOS guidelines. Coursework, taught by experts in the field, balances conservation philosophy and contemporary issues with practical aspects of repair and conservation techniques, legislation, policy, finance and project management. The historic buildings specialization teaches the systematic research, recording, analysis and interpretation of buildings and is recognized by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation.
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary, 1980
Industrial Heritage short course, University of Victoria , June 2015
Skills and expertise
Planning – development and implementation of project and strategic plans
Project management – multidisciplinary teams, timelines, budgets, vendor and client relations
Vendor management – requests for proposal and specifications, vendor selection
Personnel management – creation, staffing and management of effective organizations
Communications – marketing, workshops, forums, establishing trust in global teams
Organizational skills – implementation of extremely complex processes and systems
Teaching – seminars, college courses, development of course material
Customer focus– interface, support, RFQ responses, customer satisfaction strategies
Awards and Associations
2011 Duncan Gillard Memorial Medal, University of York awarded for the Best Conservation Studies dissertation: Community Conservation Planning: Managing change and heritage value in Calgary’s Historic Urban Neighbourhoods
2012 Governor General’s Award for Excellence in Community Programming (Century Homes team)
2014 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award, Community Vitalization, Century Homes Calgary team and Advocacy & Awareness, Heritage Roundtable team
2016 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award, Community Vitalization, Cliff Bungalow Mission Heritage Committee History Book
2018 Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award, Advocacy & Awareness, Individual
Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals (Professional Member)
Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Alberta, Life Member, non-practising
Association of Preservation Technologists
Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada
University of York Conservation Studies Alumni
Alliance Française
Advocacy Projects
Heritage happens at many levels. Being involved with my own city, historic community and Edwardian home have enabled me to appreciate the benefits of heritage management first hand and to understand projects from the client’s perspective. I stay up to date with global best practice in order to 'think global and act local'.
Community Heritage
Heritage Director, Cliff Bungalow-Mission community association (2006-2022) - projects included:
Calgary Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources: community sites have increased from 21 to 45 with many sites added in a Municipal Heritage Partnership Programme project in 2008/9.
Cultural landscapes: Listing and plaquing of historic trees and heritage plantings on the Alberta Heritage Tree Project inventory, historic bridge and park naming and protection.
Awareness projects: historic walking tours for Jane’s Walk and Historic Calgary Week, CBMCA plaque programme with 16 sites currently plaqued, historic street and gateway signs, history book, newsletter articles, web page.
Protection: Rouleauville-Mission nomination for National Historic District recognition.
Calgary Initiatives
Calgary Community Heritage Roundtable (2006-2022) - Founding member, steering committee member and event organizer for the city-wide organization, which hosts quarterly public educational sessions on current heritage subjects, and provides a networking forum for individuals and other heritage associations.
Century Homes Calgary (2011-2014) – Organizer, project manager, director of community coordinators, planning and logistics for city-wide 2012 Century Homes Celebration; steering committee member 2013-14.
Calgary Civic Trust: Director (2015-2022)
International Connections
As the University of York Conservation Studies Alumni, Americas co-ordinator I stay active with the alumni association. Conservation Studies alumni networking initiatives, conferences, publications and study tours keep me up to date in global conservation practice, and help maintain lifelong relationships among international students, conservation specialists and organizations.